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We Support orphans and education

Here at Craftier, we launched a unique initiative to support orphans and education through our perfume sales.
For every perfume bottle purchased, we donated one AED. This contribution aimed to improve the lives of underprivileged children and give them access to a better education.

"Helping Others and Donating: Building a Better Society"

Our help to others and donations to charity have always been a part of human civilization. It’s an act of kindness that brings communities together and makes the world a better place.
When we donated to charity, we contributed to the growth and development of our society. By supporting those in need, we were able to create a more compassionate and caring environment where children could thrive, access better resources, and lead more convenient lives. Our goals were met and it was a successful and positive campaign that we look forward to repeating in the future.


Innovation is at the heart of everything we do. We're committed to staying ahead of the curve, constantly searching for new ways to make a positive and meaningful impact on the world.


Honesty is paramount in our work. We understand that our customers place incredible trust in us and in the importance of our donations and what we advocate for.


At Craftier, we're dedicated to fostering a culture of diversity and inclusivity. By embracing strong ethical values, we have built a foundation that truly reflects our mission.

Event Practice License – No:
Donation started from 01-08-2023

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